This is me: take it or leave it

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Shhh...It's a secret...

Remember when you were a kid and you thought that you were important when someone told you a secret? And when you were the one who had a secret, everyone wanted to be the first one to know what it was. Why is this so important? Even as an adult I find that people still place a sense of value on their secrets. I don't get it anymore. Why do we even need to have secrets? I've come to a point in my life where if I'm keeping a secret, there's a problem. Either 1) I'm still immature and think that secrets are cool or 2) I'm not living my life the way I should be. If I feel like I have to keep things a secret from other people, its obviously because I'm ashamed of something that I've done.
I'm not saying that everyone should just go out and flash their personal business to every bum who passes them on the street, but we do need to check ourselves and our actions. We should be proud of the things we've done and have struggled through, not trying to keep them a secret. Keeping secrets is what puts people in therapy later in life. I don't know about you, but I know that I'm never going to make enough money to waste that much on therapy because I couldn't be honest and open with myself, God, and my loved ones.
Having secrets and keeping secrets of others isn't doing anyone any good. So give it up, grow up, and get over it.


  • At 4:37 PM, Blogger delilah said…

    I couldn't agree more. Now, don't get me wrong, if a friend asks me to keep things between us I will. But...I can't stand it when people expect you to lie or cover for them. I had this friend, who I never knew what I was allowed to talk about and what I was not allowed to talk about. It was crazy. You are right, if something is a big "secret" there is a problem. Funny, that happened to me at church a while back, I said something to this girl about something I had heard. She was all upset that I knew "her info" but I didn't even know it was a secret in the first place. Then she wanted me to tell her who told me. I wouldn't and she was upset. I felt bad about the whole thing but she is over it now, I think.... Either way, happy you have a blog. I will list it on my blog (hope you don't mind the association! Ha.)


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