This is me: take it or leave it

Monday, January 30, 2006

Media Minded

Being a sociology major, I am exposed to realities that many (actually most) people are not exposed to. I feel that this has benefited me. One of the things that I have learned is not to trust the media. This is actually a common saying, but how many people take it seriously? Do we analyze and evaluate what we are seeing in the media or do we just take it in and buy into it all? Most people buy into it all. Its easy to.
Crime in the media is not representative of crime in the area. The media's theme is "if it bleeds, it leads". The media is looking for the stories that are going to grab your attention and tell you that you are not safe. But you may be safer than they let on. In fact, you are safer then they let on. The crimes that the media shows (when I say media, I refer to all types of media: television news, newspapers, news magazines, online news sources, etc...) are those crimes that are least likely to happen. For example. Children, women, and the elderly are the least likely to be victims of a crime. Did you know that? Male on male crime is more dominant and property crime is the highest on the list. Hmmmm, so why when I turned on the news last night the big story was on a teenager being stabbed to death in his home by a group of fellow teenage males? Oh, and juveniles have much LOWER crime rates than any group of adults (contrary to the belief that juvenile delinquency is on the rampage).
If you are the victim of a crime, it is much more likely that the offender is someone you know; not a stranger. This is true in all forms of violent crimes. Homicide-most likely a FAMILY member than anyone else. Rape-most likely a friend, or acquaintance. Assault-usually someone you know. Kidnapping-if you or your child is kidnapped, it is more likely that the kidnapper is either 1) a family member or friend 2) a co worker, employee, or someone else you have some types of regular contact/relationship with, or 3) someone whom you have met; either at the store, hired to do work on your house, etc.. . Strangers aren't who you need to be watching out for. You need to watch out for the people you already know. I'm not saying not to be cautious when you're alone at night and some big strange guy is walking your way. Because that can still happen. But it's very rare.
You would think that strangers are more likely to harm you, but they aren't. The reason you think they are is because that's what the media tells you. Those are the stories that they present to you. And if you never question what you are told and heard, the you never know any different. This isn't your fault. Feel free to blame it on the media. They know exactly what they are doing. They don't care. If they reported things representative of how they really are no one would watch their station or read their paper. They aren't stupid. In fact, they are very intelligent and know exactly how to reel you in.
So, I leave you with a question. Please post your guess (your gut feeling without looking anything up). Let's see how safe the media makes you feel.
Q1: What are your chances of being the victim of a violent crime? (any violent crime-use a percentage)
Q2: What are your chances of being the victim of a property crime? (house, car, some type of damage to your property-again use a percentage)
I'll post in a comment the true answers next Monday! Haha-you have to wait. Get as many people as you know to come up with their answers. Friends, family, coworkers, whoever is around. You can post them all in one comment if you'd like. Stay tuned and see how safe you really are.


  • At 7:53 AM, Blogger delilah said…

    Okay, if no one else will guess, I suppose I will... I think violent crime 5%. Property crime 25%.

  • At 9:48 AM, Blogger ~Jacki said…

    Since no one else commented, I'm just going to assume no one else either 1. reads my blog-which is ok, or 2. they just don't know. Well, Delilah was really close. Violent crime is 3.8% while property crime is 22%. Delilah, you now have the satisfaction of knowing you are teh smartest person who reads my blog!

  • At 6:47 AM, Blogger delilah said…

    You are too funny. It takes people a while to start reading a blog regularly and to comment. I still have people who read everyday and they haven't ever commented. I was probably so close because I am in the same (kinda) line of work as you. So not smart....just educated!


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