This is me: take it or leave it

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


So, I have butterflies in my stomach right now. I'm starting to apply for what I call "post-college" jobs. I did my first application on line today and still have to upload my resume. The position is in Indiana and I'm applying for the same position in Houston also (I'm willing to relocate anywhere right now). Its for the FBI as an Intelligence Assistant. I'm more than qualified for it and now its just a matter of waiting. It "closes" (they stop accepting applications for it) on Monday and it can take a month or more after that to hear anything from them then there's more paper work to send it, a poly graph test (lie detector), urine analysis (pee in a cup, please), then possibly interviews (yep, that's plural-they rarely do only one). So, I was really excited when I first completed the application and now I am just nervous. I'm taking my resume to work tomorrow and one of the employees there is going to look it over and give tips and stuff before I send it out. What if no one wants to hire me? What if I can't find a job in what I want to do? Right now all I can do is wait and trust God that He will lead me to the right job in the right location for me and Elisabeth. Even though I'm a little nervous about it and have butterflies in my stomach, I'm going to let Him do the worrying. Its time to let go and let God.
I will keep you updated on other jobs and what/if I hear from them! Wish me luck the job search begins!

Art: Part 2

I didn't know that there would be a part two to my art rant, but there is. So the guy who created this horrid thing returned to The University of Akron on Saturday, of course when no one was around to tell him what they think of his "art". Well, he "fixed" it in a way I guess. I have seen it and it's better but still horrid. All he did was put big globs of silicon over the porno parts (however you can still see a girl's mouth with her tongue out wrapping around an "unknown object" through the globby goo). So, it smells again. Pretty bad. Oh, and what I think looks like a vagina is still there in plain view. He also cover the instestines with globby goo. The colors of the new globby goo (my new title for the stuff) is not ever in the same color scheme as the old globby goo. So it looks bad. But WOOHOO no more girls plain as day giving oral sex and guts hanging out all over. The artwork is still ugly and tasteless, but I'm only going to be around for a couple more months and can avoid that hallway for the most part. I still can't believe they paid this guy big bucks to put this thing on our campus. Why couldn't they just plant more trees? Personally I don't think 30,000 trees is quite enough. But, the 100,000 plants, do make it better. Oh the joys of U of A!

Monday, February 13, 2006


So, I went through my first ever nervous break down last night and today. Not fun. But I'm making it through it. The only thing keeping me going is knowing that when I go home, I will be stress free! I plan on having a cup of hot cocoa with Elisabeth and watching the Olympics.
Okay, so here's what lead to the all out breakdown. I am a procrastinator. Big shock for those of you who really know me isn't it? Well, I had an assignment due in one class today, a test in another, and a paper in a third. And when did I start all this? Last night. Well, I did the assignment last night. Still leaving the paper and studying for the test for today. I actually do my best work under extreme stress and pressure with tight deadlines (I've know about the paper since the first day of class. I make it so the deadline is tight so I can have the pressure-weird isn't it?).
I didn't completely finish the assignment. There were 5 questions (essay-ish) and my answer to number 5 was that I had a lot to do and sorry that it didn't make it to the top of my priority list. I didn't want to leave it blank. My prof would have thought I was just stupid. Instead, I was overwhelmed and told him so. What's a few points here and there in the grade? I'll get over it. Wait, I already did.
The test is over. It was geology. Don't we all love rocks? Oh and lava, we talk about lava a lot and all the ways in which a volcano eruption can kill you. (I don' think the prof gets out much). I passed it and that's all I cared about today. I'll be happy with a D-, but think I did a little better than that.
The paper topic was stupid . I had to trace my family to when we came to America. Well, on my mom's side, her mother passed away before I was born and her dad has Alzheimers. So, can't get any history there. On to my dad's side. We have a website for his family tree and it dates back to when we first came to this glorious country. 1630. Obviously, none of those early settlers are alive and this prof wants life experiences of oppression and discrimination. Yeah, ummm, sorry, but my family didn't seem to care enough about their history to pass it down to the next generation. So, all I had was this website - I had to somehow figure out what was going on in England back then to find out why we came here and what kinds of cultural stuff we brought with us. STUPID. Probably because the answer is none. Let's not forget I somehow had to incorporate articles on who knows what that I had to find where ever I could into all this. It was the most horrid paper I've ever tried to write. And I did it all (including finding the articles and getting stuff from them) in less than three hours. I know I'm not going to do well on it (partly because I'm a page and a half short and partly because I think proof reading is over rated, and mostly because I didn't like the assignment and just didn't put much into it) but I'm over it already and I haven't even turned it in.
The breakdown was bad though because I really didn't think I could find enough material and be able to use articles (which I didn't really do all that well). I think I've finally learned that waiting until the last possible minute may not always be the best thing. Well, at least I learned a "valuable lesson" from my mental breakdown.
PS> I'm in the psychology computer lab and have seen about 1/3 of my class that the paper is for in here writing, finishing, and like me, starting their paper! At least I'm not the only one!
Until next time when I'm stressing about another paper I put off! Have fun. Oh, and stay tuned because coming soon are my pet peeves. Maybe I'll be like Delilah and have a day of the week where I address something. Okay, so the plan is Pet Peeve Tuesday. A different one each week until I run out (HA! Like that can happen!)

Friday, February 10, 2006

"Art"-its in the eye of the beholder

Okay, so today is just a vent about this piece of "art" that the University of Akron decided it just had to have.
This artwork piece is going to be 275 feet long and 3 feet high. It is currently a "work in progress". Part of it has been put up going down the hallway in Simmons Hall which is the administrative building. This building has no classrooms, but the majority of the full time and part time staff. This is also the ONLY building on campus that any parents of students or possible students will see the inside of (due to financial aid, admissions, orientation, that sort of stuff being housed in the building). So, they decided to put up this painting type thing. You have to see it to fully get it and then when you do see it, you feel like you are dirty and need to shower (I'll explain). This painting is something that you would be embarrassed to look at with your kids, parents, grandparent, even spouse maybe!
This morbid painting is full of colors and globs of silicon just kinda thrown on it. But there is a point. An obvious point to this $139,000 piece of art (the details on who paid for it are still a bit sketchy). It is said to be the journey of a college student or some b-s like that. Well, maybe it is your college journey if you are a porno watching sex fiend who gets hit by a train. Oh yeah, that's what I said. When a friend and I were looking at this thing yesterday she pointed out 2 instances where a female was performing oral sex on a male. Now these weren't obvious and huge, but they definitely were there if you looked at it. The "artist" tried to be abstract and blend it in but did a poor tasteless job for the most part. There is also a scene where you can see the outline of a female body from below the chest down with her legs spread (she's standing). It clearly shows her instestine and other internal body parts (like she was cut open all the way down the front and her insides exposed) then at her crotch there is barbed wire in a penis looking shape coming out (or maybe going in) of her. SICK!
And I have to work in this building.
There is also a scene that looks like a train on tracks then all of a sudden the train ends, there's a break in the track and big red blobs of silicon all over. Ummm, did someone just get hit by that train, because that looks like a lot of blood and body parts. Not to mention the fish net hose, grappling hook, penis shaped all over and the obvious cannot be mistaken for anything else vagina that is at eye level in one spot. (kinda like when in "Everybody Loves Raymond" when his mom made a sculpture and all the guys couldn't look away until Deborah told them it looked like a female body part-yeah, except this is obvious and you can definitely tell what it is without being told.) The painting makes me feel yucky. I don' t want to be subjected to sex (and hard core in some of the scenes) when I am trying to work and trying to show people who might want to send their child to this school around campus. There was even an article in the Akron Beacon Journal about it. The artist is supposed to come in and "fix" certain parts. Well, I think his mind needs to be "fixed". Just because it is an extremely liberal campus does not mean that the adult full time staff want to look at porn everyday when they are at work. And did I mention this thing makes the entire first floor of the building smell! The silicon stuff he used stinks so bad you can't even breath.
Oh, and we were informed that Channel 19 News was in on Tuesday to do a segment on it. Nice.
Well, I just had to complain about that. It is absolutely horrid (I use that word a lot to describe things). I want to puke and feel so naughty after just looking at it.
PS> The official opinion of the Office of Admissions (where I work) on this piece is "no comment". So, that's what I conclude with. I have "no comment". But please give me yours. And if you are ever in the area (without children under the age of 21 because it is completely inappropriate for them) take a look at it.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Oh the joys of Valentine's Day

I know, Valentine's day is still over a week away, but I still wanted to share my thought on it. Hmmmm...Valentine's Day. So honestly, what's the big deal about it? Sure it's fun to go out to a nice restaurant and get a gift for that special someone, but why do you need a special day to do it? I'd be more excited about being taken out for a special dinner and get a thoughtful gift on March 18 (random day off the top of my head) than on Feb 14. Why? Because then I know it was done because someone wanted to do it, not because they felt they had to because of what day it was. Valentines Day is another one of those holidays that was invented by card companies and florists to make more money. And have you ever noticed that around this time the cost of flowers doubles and sometimes even triples? Why? They're already making more money because more people are buying flowers than normally would on any given day. Why do they have to jack up prices too?
Maybe I'm bitter about Valentine's Day because its another example of how much emphasis our society places on being a part of a couple. Oh, and why is that people who KNOW good and well that you are single and haven't even gone on a date in years feel the need to ask you what your plans are fro Valentine's Day? Hello? Are you trying to rub it in my face that I'm single? Because you know what--it doesn't bother me! I don't have to stress about getting a gift and making plans, reservations, getting a sitter, and getting all done up. HAHA on you. I get to be comfy , cozy, and spend time destressing instead of wondering if this years gift is going to be better than last years and if it isn't how am I going to react.
The last time I had a "date" for Valentine's Day was in 2002. I know, that was forever ago. Actually that was the ONLY time I had a date for Valentine's Day. And what ended up happening, I'm sure you're all curious to know. I ended up with a concussion. Yep. Blacked out a couple times. Here's what happened on my only Valentine's Day to remember (this might be another reason why I'm so bitter towards the "holiday"). I was learning how to skateboard with my ex "boyfriend" and his friends. Yes I spent most of Valentine's Day with him AND his friends. We were at the Akron skate park and I had no fear-of falling or anything. Maybe I should have because I also had no helmet or pads. Anyways, I went down a ramp and didn't fall off (woohoo) when I looked up and one of his friends was coming straight at me. Well, stupid me never learned how to steer, so the next thing I remember I'm looking up with three guys around me and my head hurts really bad. I spent the rest of the night blacking out off and on, so I don't really remember much more of it. The scary part about that is, I was driving. Yep. Nice way to spend my one and only Valentine's Day.
So in conclusion. Have fun on Valentine's Day. Try not to get a concussion. And don't ask me what my plans are. They are the same as last year, the year before last year, and the year before that.