This is me: take it or leave it

Friday, September 28, 2007


Erin and Bryan's wedding is TOMORROW!!! I can't believe it! It came so quick, but thinking about it, they have only been engaged for 6 months which isn't that long of a time (the perfect engagement length if you ask me). I guess I'm use to my brother and sister who both had a year and a half engagements (not that those didn't come up quick, just not quite this quick). I am super excited about this wedding. I know, I don't even like weddings, but this is my best friend, so it's different somehow. I have so much to do to get things in order for tomorrow. I have a face mask on now, because of course my face decided that this was a good time to break out....nice. I also have a slight ear infection (it was a horrible infection, but has gotten tons better the past few days), so hopefully I can hear what's going on at the rehearsal tonight and wedding tomorrow. (Sorry Erin if I miss a few things that are said...I'll try my best. Plus, I think I'm seriously ADD lately....since I haven't been working....I have focus problems and have been getting bored with everything driving. I'll just get bored with it and stop paying attention at all....not a good thing.) Soon there will be pics posted from the rehearsal and wedding. It's going to be beautiful...and outdoor wedding at a country club. I can't wait. I actually WANT to be in pictures (I think it's because I like the dress so much!). which is not usually like me. I'm an off and on picture person. Somedays I'm in the mood to be in them, and some days I'm not. Erin, you got lucky ;P Speaking of the dress that I love so much.....I was so scared to try it on. The scale said I gained weight (not shocking...I haven't done much since I haven't been working....and started snacking on everything I possible can), but my clothes all fit the same, so I was worried. But I had to try it on, and it fits :) The top actually fits better. It was a little too big, so I found where the weight gain concentrated! WooHoo, at least it wasn't my butt or thighs or hips which have more weight that a whale. I have to pack the clothes and everything that all of us will need for the wedding so we can stay at my moms which is literally down the street from the place. Due to a song for the wedding not being available on a soundtrack and the DJ telling Erin Monday (yes, LAST Monday.....less than a week before the wedding), Erin asked if Allen could learn it and play in, so he is now playing at the wedding. One more person to pack and get ready :) Hopefully all goes well. Allen has spent the last coupe days extremely sick. Going from a high fever and his skin burning hot, but being so cold that he needs blankets (not like him...even in the winter), to being hot and dripping in sweat. It's been crazy. I'm just pumping him full of drugs and liquids. Every time we think the fever has broken it comes back and he just starts shaking. But, he keeps saying he'll be fine for tomorrow. Anyways...back to the wedding. I'm happy for Erin and Bryan. I know that God is going to bless them with a wonderful and loving marriage. I'm excited to see where He leads them as a couple. (Hopefully close to where ever He leads me in my future!) Congratulations Erin and Bryan! I'll be seeing you both soon. As for now....I need to make a list of things to pack before I go to my mom's.
Oh, and tomorrow morning I have another special annual event going on! The Akron Marathon! NO, I DO NOT run in that thing. One of my best friends does. Hanz. I go to the corner of the street I grew up on (this is the first year we don't live in that house, but my mom does still own it) at 7am and watch the runners go by waiting for Hanz. Why that street has to be in mile 1 of the 26 miles, I don't know. But, that's ok. I enjoy going to see him run. So, Hanz, I'll see you bright and early in the morning! RUN HANZ RUN!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Hiking, weddings, interview, USMC, and more

Might as well start with the first thing on the list...hiking. I have always loved to hike. Lately, I have gotten back into it a little. The problem was, I lost my job and started sitting at home, eating, and not getting out at all. that had to change! So, I started hiking again (plus I have a few pounds that need to come off before Erin's wedding-more on that next). I've done the Gorge twice in the past week. Here's a couple of pics of me, Elisabeth, and Allen hiking there last week. You'll notice that Elisabeth's way of hiking is not typical ;) As you can tell, we were dead tired by the end! It wasn't even that long of a hike.

On to weddings. Erin's wedding is 2 WEEKS from tomorrow! How the crap did that happen so fast?! I can't believe it is already right there. I still have some pounds to lose.....especially since I gained instead of lost since I got the dress....hmmmmm.....I'm kinda scared to try it on. Let's just keep our fingers crossed on that one. I still have to go out and get shoes and a bra (hopefully that will suck everything in), get a wedding gift, and more. I am so excited about this wedding. They are doing some really cool stuff during the ceremony that I have never seen at a wedding before and I'm really excited to see it all. For example, they are washing feet, doing a worship song, and just some other cool stuff. Two weeks after Erin's wedding, I'm off to Alabama for my cousin who is getting married. It will be my first time on a plane. I'm nervous and excited. I have never gotten motion sickness before, so I'm hoping this isn't the first time.

Interview....I had an interview on Wednesday morning with an insurance company. The guy was really nice and I loved the atmosphere of the office. I have a friend who works there and loves it. I am suppose to have another interview with the regional manager of that company in the next couple weeks. He has to come in from Lima and he is the ultimate deciding factor in who gets the position. There are a couple other people in the running for it. Again, keeping my fingers crossed and praying.....a lot!

USMC......The United States Marine Corps. My boyfriend, Allen, has wanted to be a Marine since he was really young. And on Sept 11, he officially enlisted. It's been a process. He's been to the recruiting center like 6 times in the past couple weeks. On Monday, they took him for testing and he stayed in Cleveland overnight and got all the big important stuff done. There's this test that everyone takes-it's a vocational test-and he scored a 98 out of 99.....that pretty much means he had his choice of jobs within the Marine Corps. He decided to do diesel mechanics. He passed his physical and signed the paperwork and is set to leave for Parris Island for Recruitment Training Camp on October 29. It's a 13 week training camp. That part kinda sucks. He'll be gone and only allowed letter communication for that whole time. He'll be missing all the holidays....Thanksgiving, my birthday, Elisabeth's birthday, Christmas, New Years. He'll get time off after graduating and becoming an official Marine, but then go to more training before he is given his first "assignment", which could be deployment or stationed somewhere in the US or overseas. It's going to be tough, but we'll make it through. Elisabeth will be confused. He asks about him anytime he's away (oh, by the way, he has been living with us...he actually came to stay for a couple nights just to get away before we even considered dating, and things happened, and he hasn't left. It's been working out for all three of us, but Elisabeth will be wondering where he is and when he's coming home.) I am so proud of him, but have to also admit that I am a little nervous too. Just remember to keep him in your prayers while he is gone.

On to the more stuff....I spent last weekend in Lancaster, OH near Columbus for the first weekend of the Rock-N-Rhyme Tour that includes the band ShiningSouls. ShiningSouls is the band that plays for our PraiZ services. I've been friend's with the lead singer for 23 years, known the bassist for like 10 (I watch his kids and him and his wife watch mine), Allen is the lead guitarist and I've known the drummer and rhythm guitarist for years-played in the church band with both of them for a little while. So, I went down and supported them. It was a blast. They played at a Christian festival on the fairgrounds on Saturday. There was this "mountain" (more like a cliff) across the street that me and the bassist and drummer decided to climb. I was in a skirt and sandals, but still made it up the side of the mountain in less than 10 minutes. Here's a pic of me on the top.....the view was amazing!

For more information on the Rock N Rhyme tour (coming to Kent and Cuyahoga Falls next weekend....Sept. 22-23), and to see some really good pictures, visit

Well, that is all for the time being. I know....that was pretty long. There's a lot that I left out and will include in a future post. Hope all is well for everyone out there who reads my blog! Bye :)