This is me: take it or leave it

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


WooHoo!! I am almost done with college! I am so excited. I am actually ahead of things...kinda. I already started researching and writing papers that aren't due until Friday. For those of you who know me, I would normally start this whole process Thursday night or even Friday morning. That's just how I work. But, I'm getting things done and feeling great about it.
Speaking of feeling great, I was in the best mood of my life yesterday!! Those who saw/talked to/or was part of my texting fun could tell. I've been really stressed lately and always in an off sort of mood (ok, some label it as bitchy-me included some days, but I just wasn't "me" for awhile). So, yesterday I woke up wondering when the stupid university was going to let me know when I can pick up tickets for graduation. As I was walking to work, there was a big sign saying "Commencement Ticket Pick-Up", well, that answered that question. It was in the room next to the office I work in so me and another girl went to get our tickets. They had pap (I always need caffeine early in the morning) and chips-how nice. When I was getting my tickets I asked the guy when we would know if there would be extras (we only get 5, I needed 6), and he said, well, I can give you one extra. WooHoo!! My already good day instantly better. And this guy was just so nice that he made me smile. :) Then he got my tickets and said "Oh, you're graduating with honors, you get a medallion to wear and the president will ask you to stand at one point". Ooooooohhhhh a nice shiny medal. It made my day even better! So, the dork that I am wore my medal ALL day at work just so I could feel special when people asked what it was. (Yes, I do like being the center of attention sometimes!) Oh, and to top it off, Tuesday is my "tour day" at work. I give the tour at 10am on Tuesdays all semester and I go in yesterday and my boss told me I didn't have it-she gave it to someone else. WooHoo! She knows I don't always like to do them. That made me smile! Because I really didn't want to give the tour. But after getting my graduation tickets and medallion, I was so happy that it probably would have been a really good tour! Oh well.
I finally got back to being "me" and happy. I'm not even stressed about everything I still have to do this week and my finals next week. I'm just happy, in a great mood, and smiling and laughing constantly. I love being like this! Its great. I might actually be fun to hang out with now! (Wait, was I ever even fun to hang out with to begin with?) I am no longer worrying about a job or anything. It will come. God will bring it to me. I'm just in such a good mood and so happy I want to spread my happiness to everyone!! This is great. Great week....Great mood...Love it!