This is me: take it or leave it

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Something I've neve done before...

My mom moved a couple weekends ago. Not completely, but most of the "essentials" have been moved into the new house. She still owns the old one and we have been going back and forth getting stuff. Anyways...there's an old desk that was my dad's that we kept the computer on. Well, when I was in high school, I put together some poems that I had written and kept them in a binder "hidden" in the depths of this desk. No one ever looked in the one of the drawers, so it was a good hiding place. Not that I was really trying to hide them from people....I don't care if my poems get read or not, it was more life a safe place I could keep them and be able to find them later. And that's what I did. The desk is still at the old house and I went back and got my poem book before it got "lost in the shuffle" (which I'm hoping some of her old as dirt crap that she never uses or looks at does...shhhhh....I didn't say that!). I decided to put them into a file on my computer "just in case". Looking back at them makes me remember some of the not so fun times in my life. I was a poet when something came to me. i always had something to write on because I never knew when it would hit. My poems came in pieces sometimes too. It would take me weeks to finish some and some would come to me whole in three minutes. I only found about half a dozen and one looks to be still a work in progress. I use to love coming up with poems and short stories (still looking for my collection of short stories). Sadly, the most recent poem I have is from 2000. What happened? My mind just started focusing on a hundred things at once and I haven't been able to relax and unfocus enough to let things come to me. I'm hoping to pick it back up in the near future, but like I said, I can only write when something works its way into this chaotic head of mine! Anyways....on to the "something I've never done before"....I'm actually going to share a poem with everyone. It's my most recent (June 2000) and I must say, my favorite and most creative. It came to me pretty much as a whole poem and not in parts. Well, here it is. Feedback is fine....I take criticism well. Enjoy.


I dreamed I was a river
Peaceful flowing free
I dreamed I was a river
Racing toward the sea

Calming to the spirit
Beautiful to see
I dreamed I was a river
Tickling at your feet

I dreamed I was a river
Soothing all I meet
Passing those around me
Helping them feel free

If I could be a river
This one thing I know
I’d reflect the beauty surrounding me
Everywhere I go

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A happy little update!

Just wanted to update everyone who reads my blog (all 2 of you who already know) that I have recently starting dating. It's been almost 5 years since the last time I dated, and I was starting to think I never would. Then God took someone who was already in my life who I had a wonderful friendship with and developed it even more. We're both happy and excited to have been brought together...although it shocked the crap out of both of us! And it has pretty much shocked all of our friends. But, it's working out well.
We went on our first official date on Friday to a Murder Mystery Dinner in Canton. It was a lot of fun. If you're interested, check out . Anyways...we had a lot of fun. He even dressed up for me :) He's a jeans and t-shirt all the time kinda guy, but he did the whole suit and tie with dress shoes and everything....then gave me a hard time because there were people there in jeans. Oh well...he enjoyed being dressed up whether he will admit it or not. I thought I'd share some pictures with everyone. Enjoy. We spent over half an hour pressing every button on the camera to try to figure out the timer, then got the manual and it took 5 seconds to read the manual and set it.....yeah....that was mostly my stubborn self! And with all the button pressing, some of the pics are a weird shade of blue. I don't know why there would even be a setting like that on a camera...who wants blue pictures? Here they are...

Ok, so all these are the blue ones....for more, check out my slideshow on my profile at

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


As most of you know, I have been unemployed for the past three weeks now. It's been a nice break, but not nice enough for me to not be looking for a new one! I've decided not to blog about the what's and whys of me not having a job, so if you want to know, you're gonna have to ask. I will say that I enjoyed the experiences I had working for the Wadsworth Police Department. I learned a lot of things that I can use in life and met a lot of really good people. Things didn't work out for me there, but God has bigger plans for my life. I'm excited to see where He decides to take me. In the mean time, I'm just looking for a job to pay the bills while on my journey to the "perfect" career. I'm even debating a complete career change. I no longer know what I want to do. I've been tossing some ideas around and right now I have adjusted part of my five year plan (remember I reserved the right to adjust it? Well, good thing I did),. I'm seriously considering getting my Master's Degree in Statistics instead of Sociology. Weird, I know. But I love Stats. We are kinda a math geek family (except my mom....all three of us got that from my dad). Just an idea I'm tossing around. Who knows what I'll end up doing and how I'm going to pay my September bills, but I'm trusting that God knows and will lead me to where he wants me. Right now, I'm enjoying spending time with family and friends, focusing more on God and PraiZ, and helping out those who have been so kind and generous as to help me out in the past, Well, that's all I feel like saying right now. So, until next time.....TRUST GOD...even through the hard crap. He knows where He's taking you, even if you can't figure out why He's taking you down the path He is, there's a purpose and a reason. Go with it.