This is me: take it or leave it

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Dont' leave a comment if you can't say who you are. I'm willing to put my name to everything I say, if you can't show the same respect, don't bother. Thank you. That's all I have to say.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Since I know you're all wondering....

I know everyone is wondering what happened with all the testing from last week. Well, I'm gonna update on that and more.
I passed my physical and drug test. That was no surprise. I went for the psych eval on Friday. I talked to the psychologist about different things in my life, my normal schedule, mood, hobbies...Fun stuff. Then he asked me questions to test my "general knowledge" of things. Like, who was president during the Civil War (got that one right even though I hate history), and where is Brazil located, capital of Italy, and some basic math stuff. Then we did the oh so wonderful ink blot test. Yes, they actually do that. You look at the blot of ink (after being assured that it is only a blot of ink) and tell him what it looks like or reminds you of. The point of this is to see if a person has a fixation on any certain thing (death, violence, sex, etc...). My answers were just like me--short and to the point. Then I got to draw three pictures (a house, a tree, and a person-no stick figures). That was exciting--did I mention I failed art every year of Jr. High? After that, he looked at me and said, "You took psychology classes in college, didn't you?" And I replied, "Yes I did, I minored in it. I took a personality class and knew what to expect." And he said "I can tell." Don't ask how, he knew. Oh well. Then he told me that I'd be familiar with the next test-MMPI-2 (a personality questionnaire with a bunch of true/false questions about yourself), and I was. There were 370 questions and he said to take my time and when I was finished I was done and could go. Well, this evaluation was suppose to take 3-4 hours--that's the norm. I was done in 90 minutes. But, everything came back fine and I'm normal!! Whatever that is :)
I got a call today saying things were fine and my start day is Tuesday September 5th!!! Yay! I'm so excited. I'm on 8-5 Tues. and Wed., the 2pm-10pm Thurs. and Fri. then the next week I'll be at the Ohio Police Academy. That should be fun. I'll be getting more details on that later. So, I am officially employed by the City of Wadsworth as an Emergency Dispatcher :) Real world, here I come!
Other than the job, things are going well. A group of us have taken a ministry that was our heart and soul, PraiZ, and are turning it into a non-profit organization. It will be an outreach ministry going into churches in the area and spreading God's Word with a little modern edge to it. We are so excited and thing are falling into place faster than I expected. Please keep this ministry in your prayers that God opens doors for us to do His work.
I have made the decision to leave the church that I was born and raised in (23 years). There are a lot of reasons and anyone wishing to know these reasons is encouraged to talk to me. If you hear anything not from me or just assume things, then you are probably wrong about it and are likely to spread un-true rumors-please don't let it come to that. I am willing to discuss why I left and my future plans with anyone who is curious. So, I went and tried out a different church last Sunday. I LOVED the pastor and the preaching. The pastor is actually the second person who greeted me and shook my hand when I walked in. The people were friendly. My problem there was the same as the church I left. I can't get passed people just going through the motions and not being excited to worship God. So, the search continues. I know there was a reason I was at the church I went to Sunday and that was for one specific verse the pastor used in the sermon that we have now adopted as our theme for PraiZ. 2 Corinthians 3:18 (we use the NLT version). Curious? Look it up! Don't have a Bible or the NLT? Look it up on-line...
Well, that's all for now. There will be more to come later! I'll keep people posted on the job, the church search, and PraiZ (still my number 1 passion right now). Till then....
"Never stop praying." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Monday, August 07, 2006

The LONG awaited update!!!

Ok, here it is. What everyone has been waiting for. What is going on with this job??!!
Well, I finally have some news for those of you who have been keeping up with this process.
I got a call today from Wadsworth officially offering the position but on a contingency. The contingency is passing three more tests. I know what everyone is thinking....."What else could there possibly be that she hasn't done for this job??!!" I thought the same thing, but two of these three I haven't done. I now have to undergo 1) a physical at the hospital, 2) a 2-3 hour psychological evaluation (crazy...I was crazy once...They put me in a padded room....) and 3) a drug screen (you have got to be kidding me! They want me to pee in yet another cup! Do they realize it took me 3 hours last time??!!). The physical and drug test are scheduled for this Wednesday at 8am (which means I won't pee when I get up and try not to pee myself on the half hour drive there--longer probably with the morning traffic!!). There's a call out to the psychologist to schedule that nice fun meeting.
After I pass these tests, the contingency is off and we will discuss a start date (umm...Will the next day be too soon?? Because I'm ready!). So, I will be blogging again soon. It should take 2-3 days to get results of everything and they're trying to get everything in this week. Let's hope all goes well. Say a prayer for me Tuesday night or Wednesday morning if you remember.
I now have a new projected move out date of November. I really want to spend mine and Elisabeth's birthdays (both in December) and Christmas is our own place :) Maybe even Thanksgiving ;) We'll see. But, I'm excited. Having the summer off was kinda nice. This was my first summer off in a long time. I did summer school three years in a row at Akron to get done on time and be able to keep my sanity by not taking too many classes at once. And it will be my last summer off until I retire or die. So, I'm not gonna complain too much ;-)~
Well, there's my update. More to come after the testing. I can now see the light at the end of this job search tunnel!!! WooHoo!! City of Wadsworth, here I come.