This is me: take it or leave it

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Yep, that's right, I did it, I bought tickets to go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'm taking Elisabeth and we're going to the 12:01am showing on opening day. We're going to the Macedonia has stadium seating (even though it isn't even close to where I live!) It'll be fun....we're both excited. Pop, popcorn, candy, and Harry Potter...what more could a person want? Maybe I'll try to smuggle in some chocolate frogs (yes, they actually make them, you can get them at Target and they come with trading cards!!) and some Bertie Bott's every flavor bean...although, I've been a little too scared to try them. Vomit and Booger flavor aren't my idea of fun...neither is soap or grass. Anyways...gotta go and finish cleaning my house. And I'm thinking about taking Elisabeth to see Ratatouille. Talk to everyone soon. Bye!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wedding Season.....again

Another year, another wedding season. Last year, my weddings were in the summer; this year, it's fall themed. I'm excited about this year's weddings...more so than I was last year (even though I think I'll have the same date situation...who knows, maybe I'll find one this year), because one wedding is my best friend, and I'm in it, and the other is my cousin and is out of state. The out of state is in Alabama. I've never been anywhere even close to there, so I'm excited to see some different scenery. I also get to go on an airplane for the first time! WooHoo! 24 and never been on a plane. I've just never had the reason or opportunity. So, I'm excited. I'm going with my mom, brother, and sister.....we'll see how that goes. We should be able to get along well enough for a 3 days....I'm hoping. No, we'll be fine. My best friend's wedding is going to be wonderful. We went dress shopping yesterday with her mom, and she bought the second one she put on. It was brand new and she was the first one they had seen in it. She looked absolutely gorgeous. I spent more time in the dressing room than she did!! We laughed about it. I tried on 4 different skirt styles, like 6 different tops, in 3 different sizes, but we found the perfect combination for my body type. It's actually flattering; which is saying a lot! Anyone who can design a dress that flatters my body, is a genius. Here's the dress; in the color for the wedding

Well, that will give you some kind of visual. Just put my face and big hips on it, and you'll have a more accurate image. I wish her hands weren't covering the front...stupid fake person model. The top is scrunched so it makes the front look flat. I'll probably have this cute little sweater thing that is 3/4 length sleeves and pretty much just sleeves for the wedding (it's outside in September, so it may get chilly). They were super cute on the girls in the catalog, and it would cover my flabby arms. It's funny, I tried on one size top and neither me or Erin could zip it, but the consultant came and zipped it right up. Of course, I couldn't breath...but, then I tried on the next size up, and it was a little loose in some places. Go figure! The skirt fit really nice though. It will only need hemmed a little depending on shoes (I'm thinking ballet slippers, its not like anyone will see them, and I'm ok with being short. Besides, at my sisters, I almost took the shoes off during prayer and was just going to hope no one would notice I shrank 3 inches!) I am hoping to lose about 15 pounds before the wedding. I am signed up for 2 more races, that I'm only hoping to beat my time from the first race (the official being 1 hour and 22 seconds), so that should help some. I'm trying to eat better too. Anyways....I can't wait until this wedding. It's going to be a lot of fun. And I'm so happy for Erin and Bryan. If you're interested, here is their wedding website . (Erin, if you want it taken off my blog, just let me know. It's not like many people other than you, Delilah, and sometimes Suzanne read But, let me know, I won't mind.)

Well, that's all I have right now. I think I'm gonna go eat a hot pocket :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rant and Rave of the week


Elisabeth spent over a week coughing like crazy. I finally got her into the doctor's on Monday. I told them I would see whoever was available for an AM appointment. I knew she had bronchitis (she gets is usually every December, but waited 6 extra months this time), and all they had to do was write the prescription for the drugs...but no, you have to actually see them so they can make you pay for a 5 minute visit. Anyways....for those of you who have ever met my daughter; you know she is stubborn and won't really talk to people when she first sees them. The same went for the doctor (whom neither of us had ever even met before). He was asking her questions and she wouldn't even look at him or day anything. So I was answering and trying to talk her into telling him things herself. He went to look in her mouth and she wouldn't let him, so he said something to her in Spanish. I just looked at the guy. (For those who know me, I refuse to learn Spanish. I don't plan on ever going to a Spanish speaking country, so there is no reason for me to learn it. If I do decide to go somewhere where they speak Spanish, I will learn enough to get by....out of respect for the country and their language.) Elisabeth didn't respond to him at all either. he looked at me and saw the look on my face and asked "She doesn't know any Spanish?" and I said "She might know what Hola means, bu that's it". Now, I'll be the first to admit that my daughter has a darker complexion, and many people have asked if her father was Hispanic (because I'm as white as can be), but I didn't ever say anything not English while we were there! I can understand if I had said something to her in Spanish, he would have piked up on it from me, but it was all English from me and Elisabeth. I held my tongue (not one of my strong points). I wanted to ask what made him think she would speak Spanish when we live in America, but I didn't want to sound rude (I know what you're thinking....that that's a first for me!). But it hit me wrong-as you can tell. They say to assume makes an ass out of u and me; but it doesn't. It just makes you look like as ass and me wondering how you got to where you were without any sense about you. Anyways....enough with the rant, on to the rave!


I finished a 4 mile race yesterday!!! I wanted to quit within the first 1/4 of a mile, but Erin made me keep going. Needless to say, I didn't do great. I think we were over 10 minutes behind the person in front of us. I did beat the 80 year old man who I feared would have a heart attack and I'd have to do CPR on though. And yes, he is the only one I beat! I should have tripped Erin at the end so I could cross the finish line before her ;) It wasn't that bad. I didn't keep to my training which is why it was so tough, but it's a good "starting point" as Erin kept telling me. She was such a good sport about it and walked it with me. We had our jogging spurts (of course, encouraged by her...I don't think any of them were my idea! I just went along). My goal was to finish and I did. I wanted to do it in less than an hour and I was close. I have to check the website for my official time though, because it is possible that from the time I crossed start to the time of finish could have been an hour. The clock said one hour and 20 seconds when I crossed the line. I tried to run the end, but didn't have it in me. I quit jogging about 10 feet or so from the finish line. I thought my legs were going to give out on me. But, I finished! That's all I'm going to tell people ;) And I beat someone! Maybe I'll train better for the next one. Yes, I am stupidly doing another one! July 4. But this one has more walkers than yesterday's did, so, I'll make a new friend. We did have this random cute guy come and sit and talk with us before the race. He said he didn't know anyone and just sat down and talked to us for a little bit. He goes to college in New York but is from Wadsworth. He was nice. Anyways...I crashed later! I slept better than I have in awhile. I was just so worn out. I asked if I was going to be sore from it, and Erin told me that I probably would, but I'm not really. I'm shocked! There is a little tingling in my thighs (that were is was the worst during the race), but it doesn't hurt. It felt really good at the end when we crossed and stretched and ate some fruit. My legs are a little stiff (I guess that's the best word to describe it), so I've been making sure I get up and walk around the room every 15-20 minutes. It's helping....kinda! And yes, Erin, I am wearing that super small shirt under my uniform today! LOL

RAVE #2:
I'm going today to look at dresses for Erin's wedding!! She going to look for that perfect wedding dress that is out there just for her, and I'm going to look at different styles for Bridesmaid dresses. She picked out her color as a wine/purple color. It's really pretty online, and they are pretty accurate. It just has to be floor length and that color...I can pick a style that I like and looks good on me (it's likely that I'll go online and look at some of the styles before I go...but shhhh....don't tell my work!). I'm excited! I can't wait to see her trying on dresses. She's going to be so pretty in them.

Anyways....It's time for my little stroll around dispatch. I'll blog again soon! Take care everyone.