This is me: take it or leave it

Monday, July 30, 2007


I just wanted to post a quick blog to let people know I'm still around! There's really nothing new and exciting going on, so not much to actually update on. I've been dead tired lately, averaging 2.5 hours of sleep a night. Some days I just can't fall asleep, others I just can't stay asleep. I always feel like I'm trying to play catch up on sleeping. I finally have a three day weekend coming up at work. It's what is keeping me going! There are 2 people trying to get three shifts covered over my weekend and as good as the overtime money is, I'm not giving up that free time for anything work related! It's going to be an all pleasure weekend. I finally get to spend time with my Erin (there came a time when so many people I know had a close friend named Erin that we would specify who's Erin it's habit, I still do it every now and then!) who is getting married. I can't wait to hear more about details stuff :)
On an side (but very exciting) note....Delilah had her baby!! WooHoo! It was a scheduled C-Section on Friday. To find out more and see pics, go to I saw pics the day after (maybe even day of, I can't remember now) she was born. They were on her husband's page, but I'm wouldn't be surprised if there are some on her page by now. The baby's name is Avery Skye. Her 4 year old son Jude was set on the name Skye for the baby. It was the only name on "his list" since his parent's were having trouble agreeing on a name. I was still hoping for Eva, but Avery isn't the worst name they talked about.
Well, I just wanted to stop in and say Hi and let everyone know that things are the same old boring stuff here. I'll let you all know when something big happens! Haha! Don't hold your breath.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

No, I will NOT spoil anything for anyone! I'm not really reviewing it, just letting people know I have finished. I was lucky enough to have pre-ordered from the Borders Express in Chapel Hill Mall and had my book by 20 after midnight (the line at the Borders by Home Depot had close to 1000 people there-it would have been like 6am before I got the book-which is the time I had to be at work!). I took my mom's next door neighbor who is 16 and a big fan. It was fun. Hers was ordered at the big Borders but we got fed up with how slow they were moving and went back to where I got mine and they handed one right to her. All those poor suckers who waited forever when they could have gone 3 blocks away and picked it up off the shelf. I did make a lot of people jealous at the big Borders when I walked in with the book and started reading. I had people asking if they could touch it and see the last page. Weird! The book was intense. I couldn't put it down....especially the last 100 pages or so. I will not say a word about anything that happens in it. Although, can someone please read it soon so I can talk about it with you!! People at work asked about what happened and I told them, but they aren't completely familiar with the books and characters and hadn't read this one. I did spend two days at work reading it (I love slow weekend mornings--but I never would have done it with any other book) and was up until 3am last night finishing it off. No sleep was well worth it. I plan on reading it again to catch everything that I may have ended up skimming over trying to get to the dialog.
So I say to everyone, read, enjoy. You'll go through a range of emotions before the end. I am going to leave everyone with a quote. This is my new phrase (no it will not let you know anything about the book)....If you don't like this book, you are "nutty as squirrel poo" (sorry, I don't actually have the book here with me to cite the page, but this is the best phrase JK Rowling came up with!-I love it. Makes me laugh.) Rowling is an amazing author. These books will long outlive this generation. They are so well written and draw you in to a world you can only get to by imagination. Good job. I know I will read any other book she may write in the future. Well, that's all. Let me know what you think after you read it! But please, no comments that may spoil things for those who haven't made it through the book yet. Thank you!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie review

Here it is, what all of you have been waiting for. A movie review from a huge Harry Potter fan.

To quote Lord Voldemort is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire....."I confess myself disappointed."
I'm not saying the movie was bad or that I didn't enjoy (or that I won't go again and buy it when it comes to DVD). I'm saying that I was disappointed by it. The special effects were great; but I think there was so much more they could have done. I love the book; it is one of my favorite...and the longest, but this was the shortest movie. The scenes were choppy and it just went from scene to scene to scene before you could even process what you just saw. I think they could have put more in it and lengthened the scenes and movie. True Harry Potter fans are going to watch the movie over and over even if it is over 3 hours long.
Umbridge was perfectly cast. She was amazing and really made you dislike her. There was a lot of laughter from the audience I viewed the movie with. There were a lot of funny lines. My favorite (an no, this won't ruin anything, but you have to have read the books to understand if you haven't seen the movie....anyways...); Umbridge is being carried away by the centaurs in the forest and asks Harry to tell them that she is a good person or something like that so they will leave her alone (after she has called them unintelligent half-breeds), and Harry looks at her and says; "I'm sorry professor, but I must not tell lies.". It made me laugh.
On to more of the review. I didn't like how they changed some effects that were in previous movies. 2 main examples....the demeantors have a slightly different look to them., and when Sirius is talking in the fire, the effect is different from in movie 4. It bothered me. You can't change the look of things that the viewers already have a visual of. You just don't mess with things.
I remember reading somewhere that they screenwriter was different for this movie (someone please correct me if I am wrong), and it really seemed obvious. The writing was just different somehow. The way the scenes moved was different. It just didn't flow smoothly. I would have liked to see a lot more of Gimmauld Place. So much happens there in the book; it is one of the main settings, and in the movie it's just a place they pass through. Also, all the rooms in the Department of Mysteries. They showed the two most important, but I was so eager to see what the others looked like and to see the circular room floor spin. Maybe it just wasn't worth the money to make all the sets for the extra rooms and take the time to shoot and write scenes for them when it would only add about 10 minutes at the most to the actual movie. But, I think it would have made for a nice fight sequence.
I plan on going again this week (Wednesday afternoon in Barberton for anyone interested in joining me) because I want to be fully awake and try to pick up on things I missed. Also because Elisabeth pooped out on me and slept all but the first 10 minutes! She had gone swimming with the babysitter and had been getting up at 5:40am most days, so she was worn out. She slept in the car, at the restaurant before, in the car again, at my moms, in the car another time, but stayed awake at the theater until it actually started. Maybe if we go during the day she'll make it through it. We'll see. I'm actually just as excited to see it the second time as I was to see it the first! Well, that's all for now. I will have another update soon about other stuff going on...not that there's a lot of it. Talk to everyone soon! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The pics...

We'll start with "the dress"

The dog seems to like it at least...
See what I mean about "hanging out"? Need to fix that!

On to "the hair"

Yep blond. You all knew I had it in you can just see it! I does look better in person.

And finally..."the shirt"

Now, how many can say that they are surprised? I had to get a Harry Potter shirt for the movie! Weird angle...makes my boobs look funny, but you can see the hair a little more.

Well, there's the promised pics. Now I have to get ready to go for the movie. Unfortunately, Elisabeth is knocked out. Slept the whole time we went out to eat with my mom. She should wake up for the movie. She needed a nap beforehand anyways. Well, that's all for now! Bye!